Anyone can use social media, but being successful on social media takes a refined set of skills, lots of research, and trial and error. With social media algorithms and trends changing every day, it isn’t a guarantee that using the same strategy will work for each post you make.

A good social media manager is always up-to-date on these changes and trends, which is why it’s important to listen when they tell you that something in your strategy isn’t working. There are also some things you should never say to your social media manager.

 #1 “Can you make this go viral?”

No. No, we can’t.

First, it doesn’t work like that. Second, creating content only for the sake of trying to make it go viral isn’t a sustainable social media strategy. Your accounts will crash and burn if making viral content is your only focus.

Focus on content that’s valuable and shareable not viral. When content is shareable, it means that it’s providing some kind of value to your audience. It means that your audience took something away from your content that made them think, “I need to tell everyone I know about this!” Not only is this a better return on your investment, but it also helps to build trust with your followers and establishes you as a source of authority in your industry.

#2 “I wish I could just sit around on Instagram all day!”

Social media managers also wish they could sit around on Instagram all day.

While it may appear like social media managers are just scrolling and liking posts on the outside, there is so much more that goes into social media management. A social media manager’s “scrolling” involves things like building relationships with your customers, learning about new trends and changes to the algorithm, researching what kind of content your followers are interacting with, figuring out new ways to generate leads, analyzing your competitors, and so much more.

#3 “We should be on [some random social network]!”

No, you probably shouldn’t.

Being on a social media platform, especially an up and coming one, doesn’t automatically mean that you’ll be successful. Like with anything in your business, you should only be in the spaces it makes sense for your business to be. For example, if you run a funeral home, you probably wouldn’t set up a booth at a bridal expo. Just like if your target audience is over 50 years old, you probably shouldn’t be on TikTok.

While exploring new platforms is definitely exciting, there is probably a reason your social media manager hasn’t suggested your business makes an account for all of them.

#4 “Can you post this right now?”

Not if you want your post to perform well.

Though it may seem simple, when a social media manager posts something to your social networks, they’re often following a strict schedule, implementing strategies, and optimizing each post for performance.

Asking your social media manager to post something on a whim not only undermines their role as the expert, but also may interfere with any strategies they’ve implemented into your social plan. In some cases, it may even break your entire page to post something that’s not in the regularly scheduled posts. For example, if your Instagram grid follows a very specific posting pattern, posting out of order can throw off the whole aesthetic of your page.

#5 “Can you reach out to [celebrity] to see if they’ll endorse us?”

Yes, but…

The reality is that most celebrities, and social influencers, aren’t going to do a one-off product or service endorsement. And, even on the off chance that they do, it’s going to potentially cost you thousands of dollars.

Most celebrities and influencers have worked hard to get where they are. They definitely haven’t gotten where they are by doing free endorsements. Unless you’ve worked with celebrities or influencers before, make sure to do the research necessary to see what working with a celebrity or influencer actually entails.

Ready to Get Started on Social Media?

If you’re ready to get started on social media, book a consultation with Ashley. Whether you want her to handle your social media for you, or you want help making a social media marketing plan, she can assist you!