You may have heard of a copywriter, but you may be wondering, “What does a copywriter actually do?” Copywriting is a broad term for a writer that writes content for a variety of different project types. Copywriters often write for many different types of marketing campaigns within both digital marketing and physical marketing. 

What is “Copy”?

Copy is a term used in the publishing and advertising fields. It refers to any written material in books, newspapers, digital platforms, and anywhere else where you see words on a physical or digital page.

Copy can be as simple as a headline for a blog article, or as technical as the content that’s written on a product’s packaging. Copy can be written for any field of business or services.


What is a Copywriter’s Job?

A copywriter’s job is to write content in a marketing aspect that’s designed to sell products or services. While it would be really easy to just say, “Hey! Buy this product!” there is a lot more that has to go into consideration when writing copy for a business. They often work hand-in-hand with the business executives to understand the business’s brand, voice & tone, and overall goals for their content. while anyone can be a copywriter, it takes a lot of learning and practice to become good at it.


Brand Voice & Tone

A brand’s voice is the distinct personality that the brand wants to portray in all of it’s communications. It’s what makes them stand out against their competitors, and it’s how they speak to their target audience. Brand voice is important because it helps to paint the picture of who your company is and what they can provide for consumers.

For example, let’s say you are an dog enthusiast. You wouldn’t want to buy from a dog food company that has a laissez faire attitude about your dog’s health. Instead, you’d be more drawn to the company that gushes on and on about how much they care about your pooch’s health and nutrition.

Since each brand has a unique tone of voice and is trying to accomplish different goals, it takes time to develop the skill to quickly switch the tone in which you write.



Can Anyone Be a Copywriter?

Yes! Anyone can be a copywriter if they take the time to develop the necessary skills. It’s more than just being a good writer. You also have to be willing to learn a bit of marketing so you know how to adjust your writing for each client. It’s also important to invest in learning SEO optimization if you plan on mostly writing content that’s suitable for the web.


Looking for a copywriter to write content for your business?

Contact me for any copywriting needs you have. Or checkout my services and portfolio to see if I’m the right copywriter for you.